Rivers End Nursery out of Bayview, Texas specializes in delicious tropical fruits from around the world and the plants that produce them. You can find their seasonal fruit at Franny's booth at both the Brownsville Farmers Market (FM), 9-noon every Saturday and the South Padre Island Farmers Market,11-1 every Sunday. Franny is a wealth of information and it's always a treat to visit with her.
Kathy Pechacek of Rivers End Nursery reports this week you will find Longans (the end of their harvest is fast approaching) along with Star Fruit, Guava, Strawberry Guava, Sugar Applies, Citron (Buddha Hand) and Jambolan Plum at Franny's booth.
You can see the black seed in the middle of the fruit of the one sliced in half above. You don't want to eat the seed but you want to eat the fruit around it, after it's been peeled. |
If you are like me, alot of these fruit are new to me. Last week I tried a Longan. They are easy to peel and have a nice taste. Its kinda of like eating a pomegranate but without the tart flavor. They have a pretty black seed inside of them.Be sure and try some at the market this week while they are still available.
If you are like me, alot of these fruit are new to me. Last week I tried a Longan. Be sure and try some at the market this week while they are still available. They are easy to peel and have a nice taste. Its kinda of like eating a pomegranate but without the tart flavor. They have a pretty black seed inside of them.
According to Kathy of Rivers End Nursery "Longans are probably best eaten out of hand. They are certainly a challenge in cooking because the flesh is hard to separate from the seed."
The Tropical Fruit Growers of South Florida website states Longans are sometimes called "Dragon Eyes" because when the peel is removed, you can see the dark seed through the translucent flesh of the fruit and it gives the appearance of an eyeball! They have a great video on Longans worth watching. Don't miss out on buying some of these locally grown longans while they are still in season!
For anyone industrious enough to try, here is a recipe using them:
Chicken with Longan & Macadamia Salad
Ingredients (serves 4)
- 1/4 cup macadamia nuts
- 2 chicken breast fillets
- lettuce, washed, dried, torn
- 2 c. longans, peeled and halved, seed removed
- 2 c. snow pea sprouts, trimmed (other sprouts can be used)
- 2 Tbsp. olive oil
- 1 Tbsp. lemon juice
- 3 tsp. finely shredded fresh mint leaves
- Pinch sugar
Cook chicken in small amount of oil until fully cooked. Transfer to a plate to cool.
Combine the lettuce, longans and sprouts and place on plate. Place the oil,
juice, mint and sugar into a screw top jar and shake until blended. Pour dressing
over salad and toss to combine. Slice the chicken and serve with the salad. Sprinkle with macadamias to serve.
~From the Tropical Fruit Growers of South Florida
Someone posted the fruit was good in jello too.
Don't miss out on buying some of these locally grown longans while they are still in season!
Speaking of Franny previously, look whose on the cover? This book, by Judy Barrett, looks really good and you can a pre pub discount if you order it before September 30th. We hope to get Judy down for one of her programs in the spring. She writes an informative newsletter on organic gardening and is the author of several books.
Judy Barrett posted on facebook: "Just got the preview copy of my new book! Easy Edibles: How to Grow & Enjoy Fresh Food. Lots of ways to grow and find fresh, local food without all the work of becoming a farmer! Add food to your existing landscape, pick-your-own opportunities, farmers markets, plant in containers and much more. It's $20 includling shipping and tax until Sept. 30. Order from me, Judy Barrett to receive this pre-pub discount before September 30, 2015."